I posted a video of my son sharing about this adorable Valentine inspired fundraiser for our adoption, and word spread like wildfire! Every $1 donated equals one heart on our wall, which may be personalized with a name (or phrase, bible verse etc). This visual representation of all the people supporting us and "praying Mila home" has been so encouraging and inspiring to our family!
I see post after post about the forgotten orphans. Children who have died -usually of starvation, drug overdose, or abuse- before families found them. And while these posts are incredibly hard to read, they're so important, because this is reality. This is a serious issue, and people need to know just how urgent the need is. However, it's incredibly draining. It's difficult to think about all our girl may be experiencing before she's in our arms, but seeing that she's not forgotten, that our girl is SEEN by the people in our lives and even strangers who care,...I can't tell you what it means to us. She's so real in our lives and hearts already, so much more than a picture. She's our daughter.
In other news, our first dossier packet came back from the apostille yesterday! Actually apostilled, this time, haha. Hopefully I can find another family traveling soon who's willing to take our papers with them, and they'll be in her country before long!
There's really not much else to report, honestly. We are working on our educational requirements for the home study and umbrella agency. Watching videos, reading books. I spend lots of time each day googling adoption grants that we can't yet apply for but I'm getting everything ready to send the day our home study comes back completed. We are just at work. It's a full time job, but it's the absolute best kind of "work."
Thanks for the "heart attack," Guys! The fundraiser is going on through Valentine's Day! If we aren't facebook friends, there's a link to our Reece's Rainbow page here on my blog, and you can donate there. :)
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